Beep...Beep...Beep...0545am comes so early! I roll over and see my five year old in bed with me, and I recap the night, and realize I probably got a total of 3 hours of sleep and know I have a long day ahead of me in the hospital working. My husband, who works as a police officer, works third shift, by choice, because that's how this family rolls, survival of the fittest, and whatever works so we can save money and avoid daycare. It seems as though my littlest and five year old have completely regressed and decided that sleeping is completely overrated, no big deal...except I have to work today in the hospital taking care of other people's babies.
I open the gate that we had to put at the top of the stairs because we have walking zombies in the middle of the night, that sleep walk, or just come barreling down the hall to our room, and I'm so afraid that one of them is going to take a tumble. Although, if you ask my husband he says it's not only for the littles it's for the bigs and I too, apparently we all sleepwalk sometimes. I could go into the acrabatics he does, but I would NEVER do that lol.
Have you heard the saying it takes a village? I mean it takes more than a village let's be honest. To have a handful of kids and work full time, is nearly impossible, but somehow we are doing it. My first life hack is invest in an amazing Keurig and some amazing coffee to go along with that machine, because you my friend will be a much happier soul with a little pep in your step. And if caffeine isn't your jam, then I'd love to know what you do?
My mom is our savior, she helps us out tremendously. She comes over in the morning when the main man and I are passing like two ships in the night, we wave to eachother from afar like two captains that have just completed a mission. I head out, when my mom gets to the house, coffee in hand, eyes barely open, thinking to myself, is this my life? I'm going to have to ride a damn segway to attend deliveries or C-sections when I'm 80 years old. I looked at our bank account this morning, and was shocked $26 dollars...awesome. Yup add another 10 years to retirement, I'll officially going to be the oldest NP on the floor.
I like the rest of America am struggling, struggling to survive. Not survive life, but rather provide for my family the kind of life that they deserve. When talking with other families and mom's I knew I wasn't the only one who was feeling this way, but no one was talking about it. Why? Are we embarrassed? Ashamed? Trying to be the perfect "Pinterest mom". Well if that's what your looking for this blog isn't going to be for you. This blog is about a real mom, who is speaking from her heart, finding the real deals for you, and providing comical relief while you sip on that coffee!
If you have made it this far, you will find that my day always begins with a nice tall maybe two glasses of coffee. I would say a Yeti, but I have two older girls that are constantly stealing those from me!. Case in point. I found that getting up before the chaos and trying to enjoy just one cup starts my day off right. I encourage you to begin this tomorrow, do this for yourself. No TV, no kids, no partner, just you-reflect on your goals: what do you want for yourself? Are you happy with where you are? If you have to think about those questions, then you are in the right spot, because I'm going to find YOU again. You are about to embark on my journey of how I found myself again, and I'm going to help you find you again my love! So Cheers we're off to a great beginning!
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